
'Neither in environment nor heredity can I find the exact instrument that fashioned me, the anonymous roller that pressed upon my life a certain intricate watermark whose unique design becomes visible when the lamp of art is made to shine through life's foolscap.' -- Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The good moth pics

Preparing for trip to Varuna for Residency and trip to the U.K. for IABA

Monday, April 5, 2010

4 Journals so far...

The moth that died on my uni office windowsill

These were quick shots that I took with my mobile. It's hard to see the blue eyes on its back clearly. I took it home in a container. Some good photos to come soon.

Screen # 4

Screen # 3

Screen # 2

Labyrinth on canvas (in progress)

work materials in studio

Screen # 1

After the fire FNQ



Acrylic on canvas

Studio while working on 'Watermark'

Blood and Bone

Door in studio

Fat Black Moths


Acrylic on canvas


Acrylic on canvas